Another couple of weeks of painting have come and gone. We met in Montgomery on the 16th and it was a beautiful clear day. Unfortunately we had to deal with strong cold winds.So strong in fact that the painting I had worked on for 3 hours got blown over, paint box and all as I was standing back to look at it. Therefore the sketchbook image for today.
Next was Jeffersonville Village painting on the 23rd. We fared better with the weather as it was sunny and hot. Finding shade to work in was the only problem of the day.
The small painting in this post is the apple tree in front of the Varnum Library. I also did other color sketches, stock-piling images for studio work.
The last sketch is from the ol'-fav spot on the Lamoille near the Long Trail footbridge.
Brian and I spent an afternoon sketching and painting there, as well as some work in Montpelier on Monday. The EJ Plein Air club can inspire some great extracurricular drawing!
Hope to see many more of You out there with us in the coming months 'cuz in Vermont snow is always on the way!!
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